The Holy Quran:"And I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me". (51:57) . "Surely, the first house founded for mankind is that at Becca (Mecca), abounding in blessings and guidance for peoples". (3:97). "He alone can maintain the Mosques of Allah who believes in Allah, and the last day, and observes prayer and pays the Zakat and fears none but Allah; so these it is who may be rightly guided." (9:18) The Holy Prophet on the importance of mosques O ye people, praise Allah. Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah, The Exalted, shall build a house for such a one in paradise. The Promised Messiah said:"If you want Islam to progress build a mosque. Wherever our Jamaat is established, a mosque should be built. Our Jama'ats progress is founded on the construction of mosques. If there are only a few Muslims in a village or a city, build a mosque with good intentions and God will bring more Muslims to that place. It is not mandatory that the mosque be embellished or be a brick building. Wall off a piece of land and build a room with a thatched roof..." (Malfoozat Vol 2, p. 42) 

Ahmadiyya Central Mosque - Nigeria

Abdul Hafeez asserts that Ahmadi Muslims have changed the Kalimah by substituting the name of the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hadhrat Muhammadsa with that of Hadhrat Ahmadas, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Hence he alleges that, God forbid:'The kalimah of Qadianis is There is no God but Allah and Ahmad is His messenger. Note: Ahmad has been substituted for Muhammad. The illustrated booklet AFRIKA SPEAKS issued on the occasion of the tour of Africa by Mirza Nasir Ahmad Qadiani contains a photograph of Ahmadiyya central mosque, Nigeria, which has this Kalima written on it.
The author of Two in One also includes an alleged photo of the mosque at Ijebuode in Nigeria on which this altered Kalimah is stated by him to have been written.Now, any intelligent man who studies this photograph with honesty would agree that the disputed word in the context of this Kalimah is Muhammadsa and not Ahmadas. It is an established fact that Arabic calligraphy has adopted numerous forms throughout the length and breadth of the Islamic world and the Islamic credo at the entrance of the Ahmadiyya Central Mosque at Ijebuode, Nigeria has been written in a traditional style of calligraphy adopted by the people of the local area which requires the first alphabet mim, the equivalent of the alphabet m to be lengthened.