
Baitul Afiyat Mosque - Tiengen, Waldshur, Germany

Worldwide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) by leading Zohr/Asr prayers inaugurated Afiyat Mosque in Tiengen–Waldshut Germany on 10.04.2017. Plot was purchased in 2015. Mosque is built on 200 sqm and is sufficient for 100 worshipers to pray at one time. In inauguration and Recption Ceremoney, Mr Abdullah Wagishauser, National Head of Ahmadiyya Community Germany read the Welcome address. Mayor of the city also spoke on the occasion. Supreme Head of International Ahmadiyya Community delivered the key note address. 
One visitor called the mosque building as Jewel of local land scape. The other was extremely impressed by the personality of the supreme head of the community .


Bait-Un-Naseer Mosque - Augsburg, Germany

Khalifa of Islam arrives in Germany (April 8, 2017)
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad inaugurates the Bait-un-Naseer Mosque in Augsburg

Overall Impression of the beautiful new Bait-un-Naseer Mosque