
Fazl Mosque (Redevelopment) - Gressenhall Road, London, UK

The Ahmadiyya Community has applied for an extensive redevelopment of their site at Gressenhall Road, London, SW18 5QL. The site contains the oldest Ahmadi prayer house in the UK and the residence of the Ahmadiyya leader Mirza Masroor Ahmad

The development description 

“Demolition of the west wing of the administration block and hall next to the London Mosque and office buildings, plant room, wash rooms, bin store and garage along western boundary. Erection of replacement hall with single-storey element containing kitchen, bookshop, bin store and garage; alterations to administration/residential building, including the addition of a fourth floor and new facade in connection with use as offices. Erection of three-storey building to provide three dwellings ancillary to the Mosque, fronting Melrose Road. Use of No.65 Melrose Road as ancillary residential accommodation. Landscaping works including the felling of 13 trees.”