
Al Nusrat Mosque - Montreal Quebec Canada

Ahmadiyya  Jama’at  was initiated in the mid-sixties and was first registered with Quebec Government in 1976. The first Ahmadiyya Centre was acquired in January 1982, located at 15,795 Gouin Boulevard West, St. Genevieve, Quebec.

In December 1995, the Centre (Al Nusrat Mosque), moved to its present location on the shores of St Lawrence River. It is a large rectangular building, providing a panoramic view. There are two main floors overlooking the river and a basement. The three floors provide about 10,000 square feet of space, with adequate washrooms on each floor and wudu (ablution) facilities. The main floor is carpeted and is used for prayers and seminars. The second floor has classrooms, kitchen facilities, and four guest rooms. There are separate entrances for men and women.