
Darul Tabligh Mosque - Bakhshi Bazar, Dhaka,

Ahmadiyya movement reached in Bangladesh (then Bengal province) in 1905 when a man named Ahmad Kabir Noor Muhammad from Chittagong took initiation on the hand of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. The second man to join the community from Bengal was Rais Uddin Khan, of Kishorganj. His wife Syeda Azizatunnisa also took initiation and she was the first Ahmadi woman from Bengal. In 1909 a student named Mubarak Ali from Bogra went to Qadian and also became a member of the community. The Ahmadiyya movement gained speed in 1912 when a well known sage from Brahmanbaria, Moulana Syed Muhammad Abdul Wahed, became Ahmadi. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community became officially established in Bengal in 1913 with the name of "Anjuman e Ahmadiyya"