
Ahmadiyya Mosque - Zion Illinois, USA

Zion was the town set up by a false prophet, John Alexander Dowie, to whom the Promised Messiah, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, issued a challenge of a prayer duel in 1902 upon his repeated insults and false allegations against the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace be on him. The challenge was published as an advertisement in 1903, “God has given me a sign for America, that if Dowie comes in a prayer duel against me explicitly or implicitly, the world shall soon see the end of this contest and Dowie will leave this world in utter grief, misery and helplessness.”

Upon learning of the challenge, Dowie responded by stating: “In India, there is a Mohammedan Messiah who keeps on writing to me that Jesus is buried in Kashmir. People ask me why do I not send him the necessary reply? Do you think that I should answer such gnats and flies? If I were to put my foot on them I would crush them to death. The fact is that I merely give them a chance to fly away and survive.” Eventually Dowie was punished by God for his arrogance and Islamophobia. He had a humiliating decline when all of his followers were completely disillusioned and deserted him and he had a stroke while giving a speech. His wife and his son turned against him and exposed his character. On 8th March 1907 he died in utter grief, misery and helplessness during the lifetime of the Promised Messiah.