
Jamia Ahmadiyya - Ghana

As per instructions of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of world wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community a new International Ahmadiyya University of theology and scholastic sciences (Jamia Ahmadiyya International) has been constructed in Mankessim in Ghana's Central Region, a town near Saltpond. The town is well known in the history of Ahmadiyyat. In 1921 the first Ahmadi missionary Maulvi Abdul Rahim Nayyar came to Saltpond with the message of Ahmadiyyat for Africa. 
This beautifully constructed university was inaugurated on 26 August 2012 by Dr. Maulvi Abdul Wahab Adam (Ameer and Missionary In charge of Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission Ghana). This institution will host students from all over Africa for a seven-year Shahid course. For the first year 18 students have been selected from eight African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Sierra Leon, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin,Mauritius and Kenya. This institution is situated in the town of Mankessim, Central Region.